Need something else?

  • Rain Garden to learn about or report a problem with rain gardens (also known as right-of-way bioswales)

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) designs, builds, and maintains green infrastructure to manage storm water runoff from City streets and sidewalks.

DEP uses a variety of sustainable green infrastructure practices, including:

  • Green and blue roofs
  • Permeable paving
  • Subsurface detention systems
  • Rain barrels
  • Rain gardens (also known as right-of-way bioswales) in select areas of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx

You can get more information about all of DEP's green infrastructure programs online.

Learn more about the NYC Green Infrastructure Plan.

Learn more about DEP's Rain Barrel Program.

Contact your local elected official to inquire about a rain barrel event in your neighborhood.

You can contact your local elected official to inquire about a rain barrel event in your neighborhood.

DEP offers a grant program for private property owners in New York City. The minimum requirement is to manage 1 inch of stormwater runoff from the contributing impervious area.

If selected, DEP will provide funds for the design and construction of the green infrastructure system.

Eligible projects include blue roofs, rain gardens, green roofs, porous pavement and rainwater harvesting on private property in New York City.

You can get more information about the grant program.


Learn more about the Green Infrastructure Grant Program for Private Property Owners.

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